Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Little Change of Plans...

So I was originally planning on competing in the Figure Competition in about 9 weeks, March 17th. However, after meeting with my trainer last week, we decided that it would be best to continue training and compete on June 9th instead. She informed me that she is sure that I can get lean enough for the show in March BUT to come in with a competitive edge it would be best to compete in June since I will have a lot more muscle on by then. Being that I  have been an athlete my whole life and am extremely competitive there was no hesitation to her advice! I want to feel 100% confident on that stage and I want to truly be a competitor and my goal is to place!!

This does not mean that I get to eat and drink whatever I want for a little while or lighten up on weights and cardio at the gym. This means that I continue to work my butt off and stay focused and dedicated! This should almost make it a tad easier since I will be able to move somewhat slowly through the next 20ish weeks instead of rushing to get my body prepped for the show that is 9 weeks out. I compare it to studying for a test...would you rather stress and cram (ie. do the March show) or have time to study, work on things, and truly understand what you're getting yourself into (ie. June show). I am a firm believer that it's not about the destination, it's about the journey!

I will be working out with my trainer Monday-Wednesday at World's Gym and working out on my own two other days. I will continue to do cardio 5 days a week for 20 minutes on the stairmaster as for me, this burns about 250 calories.

So here are a few pictures. The first picture is from right before I left down for Christmas. I had already been training for about 6 weeks prior to those photos. The one below it is from tonight...21 weeks out from the competition at The Scottish Rite Center in June. Here is the link to the rest:



  1. looking great cass! keep it up!!! :)

  2. Keep it up sweetie! It's a lot of hard work and you're doing great!
