Wednesday, February 15, 2012

16.5 weeks out

The column of pictures (in the green and white striped bikini) are from 30 weeks out from competition (November 2011). The second column (in yellow and coral bikini) are from today, 16.5 weeks out from competition. The main differences to look at in the photos are one, my hips! In the first set I'm wider. In the second set, my hips are significantly more narrow. Next, look at my shoulders. You can't see it too well in the photos but I did not have a "shoulder cap" in the first set. It is now starting to become defined. Lastly, look my photos from behind. You can see that my waist from my behind looks more narrow and my butt is sitting up a little higher. I am also starting to develop some back muscles!

A lot of you have asked what I'm training for, what the difference is between figure and bodybuilding, why am I doing this, etc... In figure competitions the judges look for a few different things in particular. 1) A nice round shoulder cap-- definition between the shoulder and bicep. 2) A V shape from back to waist. Meaning, the shoulders should be like an upper V and the lower back should be tapered down like the bottom point of a V. 3) Glute/Hamstring tie in. The glute and hamstring to flow nicely, aka no butt cleavage.

I'm doing this for myself, and myself only! It is a goal that I set for myself and I am truly loving the journey. The diet and process has gotten a lot easier as time has gone on, which I've mentioned in several other blogs.

The photos are only a 3.5 lb difference! But I feel stronger and look a lot better! Common myth: muscle wears more than fat. Truth: 1 pound of muscle weighs the same as 1 pound of fat, it just takes up a heck of a lot less space and makes your body look a heck of a lot better!

I'm currently lifting 5 days a week. One day of all back, one day of all shoulders, one day of heavy legs, one day of shoulders and back and one day of hamstrings and glutes. I'm also doing 25 min. of cardio on the stepmill at the end of the day, 6 days a week. Yes, most days I'm going to the gym twice a day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


It has been awhile since I've posted. I have been extremely busy!! I figured I would start off with several updates:

1. I currently weigh 124.2 lbs.
2. I feel leaner every week!
3. Working out twice a day and getting up really early in the morning have become habit.
4. One of the keys to staying on track is prepping your meals ahead of time.
5. Encouragement and an extra push is ALWAYS needed! I don't care who you are.

I believe the last time I blogged my weight was a tad higher. My trainer explained to me that we aren't too concerned with my weight just yet because I am getting stronger and we are seeing overall changes. However, the time will come when the pounds need to come off. Stage weight for my height is between 112-114! It's crazy to think that I could weigh 10-12 lbs less than I do now but I welcome the new muscle!

Between my trainer and my fiance, we have been taking pictures if not every week, every other week. I will post new pictures by the end of this week. This helps us to monitor my progress. When you compete, your body fat and weight do not get measured. It's all about how you look on stage!

In the beginning, I was only working out with my trainer one, maybe two days a week. I'm not going to lie, in the beginning, it was extremely hard to get up at 5:30am to get ready to meet my trainer. I currently lift with her three mornings a week, lift on my own two other days, and we just increased my cardio to 25 minutes on the stepmill six days a week. (Before, I was on the stepmill long enough to burn 250 calories, which took about 20 minutes). Due to intervals, I burn about 340 calories on the stepmill in 25 minutes. I typically weight train in the morning and do cardio at night. Honestly, most of the time I welcome the evening session. There is no better way to start and end your day then with a killer workout! It definitely takes time for all of this to become routine. For me, it took about 2-2.5 months! But I kept pushing through it and continue to love it!

Prepping your meals ahead of time and ALWAYS having healthy food in the fridge is KEY!! I honestly can't stress that enough. When you let yourself get to the point of starving, and nothing is ready to eat, that's when you start munching and crave unhealthy foods. Matt and I take about two nights a week to prep food (usually Sundays and one week night). I make sure we have plenty of cooked chicken, turkey balls, red meat balls (same as turkey balls but with lean ground beef or sirloin), rice, and green veggies. In the evening or in the morning I measure out all of my meals and put them in containers so I can easily have them on the go. I can eat all of the food hot or cold. (You become immune to the cold meat after awhile.) I also carry around a half gallon water jug. I drink a half gallon of water during my lifting session as well as another half gallon during my cardio. I then drink another gallon in between those workouts. I never thought I could drink so much water!! A few things have helped me with that...I add calorie free flavoring to the gallon I drink in the middle of the day and Figure Fuel ( to my water when I'm lifting and doing cardio for that extra kick.

I tried training for one of these about three years ago, before I met Matt. Turns out, I  needed that extra push to really get things moving. I definitely have the self-motivation, dedication, and discipline to do this and to succeed but it is crazy the things your mind tries to tell you when you have five minutes of cardio left or 2-5 more reps of an exercise. Having a trainer with me on my heavy lifting days and having Matt at home and as my "food partner" helps tremendously!! I honestly wouldn't have it any other way!

can't wait!
Everyone has their idea of "beautiful". This is mine! And when I picture myself in a wedding dress,
I picture my back looking like this!!