Round 1- Christmas party last week at our house: There was a plethora of goodies including cookies, pumpkin cream cheese roll, spiked eggnog and cider, lots and lots of wine, cheese, cupcakes etc... I must say...I was pretty darn good! I had a couple sips of the eggnog and cider to make sure I made it right and I also nibbled on a piece of cheese or two and some salami. Other than that, I was pretty good!
Round 2- Christmas Dinner with friends this Sunday: This one shouldn't be too bad as it is a small group of us and I'm sure there will be some healthy options. Plus, with my boyfriend's motivation, we will have a killer leg workout followed by some extra cardio on Christmas Eve as well as a run on the Convention Center stairs on Christmas Day!
Round 3- New Year's Eve: I plan on making the main dish for this potluck therefore I will be sure to get in my protein and veggies. However, it will be a little hard not drinking and managing to stay up until midnight! Ever since I started this venture, my eyes don't stay open much past 9 or 10pm anymore. But you better betcha that I will ring in the New Year with a strawberry protein shake before bed!
I look at pictures of strong figure models every single day! They didn't invent the phrase, "Keep your eye on the prize!" for nothin'! My dad's words of encouragement, as well as weekly check ins, have pushed me harder. My boyfriend's enthusiastic encouragement, grocery store teammate, cooking helper, weekend gym partner (and late night weekday gym partner) have been nothing short of amazing! I am so thankful that he is so supportive of this lifestyle! The last thing a woman needs to hear from their significant other is, "You're getting too skinny! Muscles are gross on girls! Leave me alone at the gym! etc..." He could easily say these things but he doesn't...he loves it and that makes me feel special!