Nothing like a trip to the grocery store to load up on protein at the end of a long weekend! Matt and I worked out together this morning for "legs day". WOW...we are both already feeling the soreness! I made sure to take two servings of glutamine today! It's great to workout with a trainer or just someone else sometimes because it REALLY pushes you!! On my third set of leg presses, I was able to press 180lbs 15 times!! Then on my fourth set I was only able to do about 10 at that weight and finish the last 5 at 135lbs. We wrapped up our crazy leg workout with 200 lunges. The number 200 doesn't seem
that high when you think of it but just ask was a lot!
We bought 5 cartons of eggs, a ton of chicken, peppers and asparagus and the crockpot will be locked and loaded come tomorrow morning.
I'm already seeing definition in my arms and abs and my legs and butt are starting to feel nice and tight. It's an amazing feel to watch yourself in the mirror as you lift and see a new line of definition. NOTHING is more rewarding than that!!
This week I WILL see more change! I WILL create the change!
Awesome! We just reloaded or fridge too! Great pic! Love you sweetie!