The column of pictures (in the green and white striped bikini) are from 30 weeks out from competition (November 2011). The second column (in yellow and coral bikini) are from today, 16.5 weeks out from competition. The main differences to look at in the photos are one, my hips! In the first set I'm wider. In the second set, my hips are significantly more narrow. Next, look at my shoulders. You can't see it too well in the photos but I did not have a "shoulder cap" in the first set. It is now starting to become defined. Lastly, look my photos from behind. You can see that my waist from my behind looks more narrow and my butt is sitting up a little higher. I am also starting to develop some back muscles!
A lot of you have asked what I'm training for, what the difference is between figure and bodybuilding, why am I doing this, etc... In figure competitions the judges look for a few different things in particular. 1) A nice round shoulder cap-- definition between the shoulder and bicep. 2) A V shape from back to waist. Meaning, the shoulders should be like an upper V and the lower back should be tapered down like the bottom point of a V. 3) Glute/Hamstring tie in. The glute and hamstring to flow nicely, aka no butt cleavage.
I'm doing this for myself, and myself only! It is a goal that I set for myself and I am truly loving the journey. The diet and process has gotten a lot easier as time has gone on, which I've mentioned in several other blogs.
The photos are only a 3.5 lb difference! But I feel stronger and look a lot better! Common myth: muscle wears more than fat. Truth: 1 pound of muscle weighs the same as 1 pound of fat, it just takes up a heck of a lot less space and makes your body look a heck of a lot better!
I'm currently lifting 5 days a week. One day of all back, one day of all shoulders, one day of heavy legs, one day of shoulders and back and one day of hamstrings and glutes. I'm also doing 25 min. of cardio on the stepmill at the end of the day, 6 days a week. Yes, most days I'm going to the gym twice a day!
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